The last several months have been extraordinarily busy ones for me as I find and hit a groove with my work at The Civic Commons on behalf of the EfficientGovNetwork. You can check out what Jill built, with some very excellent assistance from the Civic Commons team, here and can join us in person to see what we’re working toward this Thursday at an afternoon hour-long City Club Forum:
Local Government 2.0
Ohio’s State Budget and What it MeansFebruary 2 @4:30pm
The $112 billion state budget Governor Kasich signed in July 2011 is in full effect. The budget cut $2 billion to local governments and schools; repealed the estate tax and included an expansion of charter schools. The votes were along party lines- Democrats criticized the budget for including too many cuts and GOP legislative leaders praised the budget for filling in a multi-billion budget shortfall.
The City Club, in partnership with The Civic Commons, ideastream and
The Plain Dealer, will examine the state budget as well as educate the community on the policies and programs proposed to help municipalities.
Moderated by: Joe Frolik, The Plain Dealer
Randy Cole, President, Ohio Controlling Board; Policy Advisor, Kasich Administration
Kathy Mulcahy, Mayor, Orange Village
Tony Paglia, VP, Government Affairs, Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber
*Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance of the event. Reservations will be held 15 minutes past start of program, such as 12:15 for noon programs. Reservations will then be open to standby ticketing.
Special Event:
$20 Member
$20 Non MemberReservations Toll-Free at 888-223-6786 or locally at 216-621-0082
Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to pass this on to folks whom you think might want to join us.